Saturday, February 4, 2012

Week 4

HI! Its week 4 on the E course and I have already learnt so much. The weekly readings on Reading/writing skills, using the internet as a teaching aid opened new horizons for me. I was exposed to and learnt creative and innovative teaching methodology to use in a classroom. I hope to use online lessons in the curriculum as the students would be exposed update material, with wide variety and choice to suit different age groups and professional interests (in case of adult students who are already employed).The role of the teacher in a wired classroom is very dynamic, and I intend to implement much of what I have learned through the E course in my teaching.

Reading sample lesson plans (given for readings) made me reflect on my classes and make assessment about achieving teaching objectives. Writing a lesson plan for the project task helped me to explore new avenues of  enhancing student output in class. Importantly I realized the advantages of utilizing technology (as far as possible as Sri Lanka is a developing country and all classrooms do 'not' have access to technology) to enhance language skills and competency of students.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ruki,
    The Internet search has also opened new horizons for me as well!I agree that it provides us with valid material to be applied in our classrooms.
    I'm surprised of your interest in the course and technology despite the fact that there's no access to technology in your classroom. Overall,I appreciate your ambition.
    I wish you the best of luck in all your tasks.
